Ïåðåä îáíîâëåíèåì ïðîøèâêè ïðîâåðüòå òåêóùóþ âåðñèþ ïðîøèâêè, îíà äîëæíà áûòü íå ìåíüøå 1.2.2 äëÿ âåðñèè VX-20 è 3.2.2 äëÿ âåðñèè VX-50 è íåîáõîäèìîñòü îáíîâëÿåìîãî ôóíêöèîíàëà. Ñïèñîê èçìåíåíèé ïðè ïåðåõîäå ñ âåðñèé 1.2.2 íà 1.2.3 è 3.2.2 íà 3.2.3 ñì.íèæå: 1. Firmware Version:V.3.2.2---->V.3.2.3 [äëÿ ñåðèè SNR-VX50] 1. Add the settings of accessing right to web from WAN port or SSH. 2. Fix the IE10 compatibility problem to access GUI. 3. Add “Dial by Name” in IVR 4. Fix the problem that the conference recording cannot be queried 5. Add option “Send Caller ID After” on the page of “Global Analog Settings”. 6. Add the function to guard against the illegal SIP Invite DOS attack 7. Fix the problem of Call Logs paging display on GUI 2. Firmware Version:V.1.2.2---->V.1.2.3 [äëÿ ñåðèè SNR-VX20] 1. Add the settings of accessing right to web from WAN port or SSH. 2. Fix the IE10 compatibility problem to access GUI. 3. Add “Dial by Name” in IVR. 4. Fix the problem that the conference recording cannot be queried 5. Add option “Send Caller ID After” on the page of “Global Analog Settings”. 6. Add the function to guard against the illegal SIP Invite DOS attack 7. Fix the problem of Call Logs paging display on GUI