--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: UPSmart version: UPSmart1.4 for linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 operating System Supportted *linux(32-bit/64-bit) of supportted Qt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Feature (1) Real-time data monitoring of single-phase and three-phase UPS (2) English and Chinese language switching (3) Auto email events notification (4) Auto SMS events notification (5) Auto sense Mains break off and UPS battery (6) Set up auto on/off time (7) Support timing schedule or special schedule (8) Auto test equipment connection (9) Real-time display UPS status in digital, graph and data (10) Set up off countdown time and the interval of each warning (11) Set up UPS self-testing time (12) Auto close program and files saved before system auto off (13) Record and analyze the power state (14) Support DB9 and USB connection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 System requirement Hardware requirement (1) Computer system : support RS 232 or USB communication interface (2) connecting line : UPS dedicated RS232 9 pin serial port or USB cable, for customers to use RS - 232 serial port connecting, connect one end of the female head on UPS system RS - 232 communication port, male head connect the computer serial port (if the USB to serial port line can be directly on the computer's USB port).If the system only 25 pin of the communication port, usercan use 9 pin on the 25 pin connector to connect; For customer use USB connecting , with a dedicated USB data communication line to the computer connected to the UPS. software requirement linux operating system running on the computer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Simple Insatllation (1) Log in as the super-user,or turn to super-user before installation (2) Copy file into the system. Example, copy into directory '/tmp'. # cd /tmp # chmod 755 linux_UPSmart_i686.bin # ./linux_UPSmart_i686.bin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5 Start running software (1) Default installation,then go on with as follows steps # cd /opt/UPSmart # ls # ./UPSmart (2) Custom installation,example,install path '/tmp' # cd /tmp/UPSmart # ls # ./UPSmart ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: user must be turn to super-user before installation and run