========================================================================== ClientMate for FreeBSD ========================================================================== 1.1 Operating System Supported -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FreeBSD 4.x or Later 1.2 Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ClientMate is a utility for connecting to NetAgent. This utility is for the FreeBSD platform. When the ClientMate get the power failure signal from NetAgent. The ClientMate will shutdown the system gracefully. When the hardware installation of the NetAgent has been completed, you could install the ClientMate on any of the FreeBSD system on the network. When the ClientMate detects the AC Fail, Battery Low, the NetAgent, it will shutdown the system. Please check the operation description here below. 1.3 Operating System Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------------- * FreeBSD operating system running on the computer. * An SNMP Agent that monitors a network UPS. 1.4 Simple Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hardware Installation 1.An SNMP Agent that is connected to the smart UPS or Contact Closure UPS. 2.a FreeBSD client pc (kernel version 4.0 or later) * Software Installation 1.Log in as the super-user. 2.Copy file into the system. Example, copy into directory '/tmp'. # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom # cd /mnt/cdrom # cp clientmate-v33-FreeBSD.tgz install /tmp 3.Change directory into '/tmp': # cd /tmp # chmod 755 install 4.Execute the installation program: # ./install 5.Select the target system from the menu, and configuration the ClientMate for FreeBSD ,the installation program will launch the ClientMate for FreeBSD daemon process automatically. Note:If there is no network connection in your system, please let your dealer know what kind of media you could use to copy files into your system. * How to give command 1.Start ClientMate for FreeBSD daemon process /etc/clientmate/clientmate start 2.Stop ClientMate for FreeBSD daemon process /etc/clientmate/clientmate stop 3.Configure the parameters: /etc/clientmate/clientmate config 4.Monitor the UPS status: /etc/clientmate/clientmate status 1.5 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClientMate for FreeBSD is developed by Mega System Technologies, Inc.If there is any question or comment about this product,please be free to contact us. Mega System Technologies, Inc. Tel: +886-2-87922060 Fax: +886-2-87922066 CompuServe ID#: 101400,362 E-MAIL: service@megatec.com.tw FTP: ftp://ftp.megatec.com.tw WWW: http://www.megatec.com.tw Copyright 1996~2004 by: Mega System Technologies, Inc.