=========================================================================== Nortel Networks Updated: 2/4/2000 Optivity NMS OIT Package README for New Device/Agent: BayStack 350 10/100/1000 Series Autosense Switch, agent software v2.0 =========================================================================== OIT PACKAGE SUMMARY: ==================== This document contains installation instructions, new feature, and known restriction information for Optivity Integration Toolkit (OIT) files when used with the BayStack 350 Switch and version 2.0 software. These OIT installation instructions are not included in the Optivity and BayStack 350 Switch documentation. Manual installation of this OIT file will be required for Optivity NMS v9.0.x releases. For Optivity NMS 9.0 this OIT file requires the NMS patch to be installed. DEVICES SUPPORTED: ==================== BayStack 350 10/100/1000 Series Autosense switches, running agent software v2.0 on the following BayStack devices with sysObjectID BayStack 350-12T (Chameleon 100) with Chassis ID 672 BayStack 350-24T (Chameleon 100) with Chassis ID 671 BayStack 350-12T (Chameleon 200) with Chassis ID 676 BayStack 350-24T (Chameleon 200) with Chassis ID 675 Chassis ID is available in the s5ChasComTable NOTE: **** This OIT package requires NMS or later **** If you previously installed the NMS-bs350-v20-A OIT package, you must install this NMS-bs350-v20-B OIT package. NOTES FOR INSTALLATION: ======================= All installation commands are relative to the directory containing the extracted (un-tarred or un-zipped) OIT package. The following commands should be executed in that directory. The default locations for an Optivity install are: Unix ($OITHOME): /usr/oit Windows 95/98/NT (%OITHOME%): :\Optivity\OIT Installing on UNIX ------------------ 1. Install the NMS patch (not required with NMS 9.0.1 or later). 2. On your workstation, log into Optivity NMS as root (su command). 3. Open a unix shell window and prepare your user environment with one of the following commands: source /opt/lnms/bin/opt_cshrc (for csh and tcsh) . /opt/lnms/bin/opt_kshrc (for sh or ksh) 4. In the /usr/oit directory, create the following subdirectory structures: mkdir ${OITHOME}/wpd/baystack/common/ 5. Copy contents of the OIT package to various locations: cp *.gif ${LNMSHOME}/images/chassis cp *.mib ${OITHOME}/wpd/baystack/common cp *.mi1 ${OITHOME}/wpd/baystack/common cp NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit ${OITHOME}/wpd/baystack 6. At the command prompt, type (you must have superuser permissions): oitInstall -u $OITHOME/wpd/baystack/NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit where -u indicates to upgrade Optivity NMS. If you do not specify the -u parameter, a syntax check only is performed on the OIT file. Installing on PC ---------------- 1. Install the NMS patch (not required with NMS 9.0.1 or later). 2. On your workstation, log in as administrator 3. Open a command prompt 4. In the \usr\oit directory, create the following subdirectory structures: mkdir %OITHOME%\wpd\baystack\common\ 5. Copy contents of the OIT package to various locations: copy *.gif %LNMSHOME%\images\chassis copy *.mib %OITHOME%\wpd\baystack\common copy *.mi1 %OITHOME%\wpd\baystack\common copy NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit %OITHOME%\wpd\baystack 6. Run the oitInstall executable as follows: oitInstall -u %OITHOME%\wpd\baystack\NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit where -u indicates to upgrade Optivity NMS. If you do not specify the -u parameter, a syntax check only is performed on the OIT file. Installation Results -------------------- When you installed Optivity NMS, the installation program copied an oitinstalled.cnf file and an oitapplied.cnf file to the default location. These were empty files. When you upgrade Optivity NMS with new device support, these files are updated with an entry for the new device support. The contents of the oitinstalled.cnf and oitapplied.cnf in the file should be the same. An entry in each of the *.cnf files is as follows (each installed OIT package creates a line of format " "): # This file contains all the OIT updates that are potential # update candidates. (UNIX EXAMPLE) NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit /usr/oit/wpd/baystack NMS-bs410-v20-B.oit /usr/oit/wpd/baystack NMS-bs450-v20-B.oit /usr/oit/wpd/baystack NEW FEATURES IN THIS RELEASE: ============================= -- Autotopology. With this OIT package, links between BayStack and other Nortel network devices can be automatically detected and depicted in the InfoCenter Datalink Layer View and InfoCenter Physical Layer View options (by using the Format > Graphical menu option). -- Expanded View support o Many fixes to LED mapping -- OmniView support o Autotopology (s5 Ethernet Multi-Segment Topology MIB) o Multi-Link Trunks Configuration and Statistics (Rapid City Enterprise MIB) o Spanning Tree Groups and Ports (Rapid City Enterprise MIB) o Detailed Port Information (Rapid City Enterprise MIB) -- Fault Manager support o Unit Up/Down Traps (s5CtrUnitUp and s5CtrUnitDown) o Base Unit Failed Trap (s5CtrProblem) OLD FEATURES REMOVED IN THIS RELEASE: ===================================== None BUGS FIXED IN THIS RELEASE: =========================== Leds incorrectly depicted in Expanded View for many units and MDAs CR # 110836-1 FILES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS OIT KIT: =================================== README.txt bbs35012t.gif bbs35024t.gif bmda1lx.gif hbsrj45rf.gif NMS-bs350-v20-B.oit rfc1213.mib rfc1493.mib rfc1643.mib rfc1757.mib rfc1902v.mi1 rfc1903v.mi1 rvlan000.mib s5age140.mib s5cha127.mib s5emt104.mib s5ifx100.mib s5roo115.mib s5tcs112.mib synro167.mib KNOWN LIMITATIONS: ================== -- After installation of the NMS patch and the 350/410/450 V2.0 OIT packages and a subsequent rediscovery of any subnets which contain these devices, it may appear that some of the devices have "duplicates" within the InfoCenter subnet view. These "duplicates" are actually two different database object representations of the same device in the subnet. They appear to be duplicates because the label names are the same. This situation can be corrected in the following manner: 1. On Unix based systems, use a text editor to open the file: $LNMSHOME/apps/topology/topology.cnf On NT based systems the file is: %LNMSHOME%\apps\topology\topology.cnf 2. Change the value for the "Age_Out_Period" parameter to 0 (the number Zero). 3. Save the file. 4. Run the topology "rediscover" process for any subnets which exhibit the problem. This will clear most (if not all) situations of this type. If the effect is not seen immediately, it may be necessary to simply refresh the InfoCenter subnet view which you might have had open when you ran the rediscover process against the subnet. In most cases the view will refresh itself. When you are finished, it is advisable to return the Age_Out_Period value back to your normal setting. -- When you use the Datalink and Physical views, you must use the graphical format in order for the layout options to display accurately. -- OmniView shows incorrect speed/duplex under Port Detail for GigaBit Ethernet MDA ports CR # 114040-1 -- OmniView RMON->History Table displays error message "Pane is not supported" CR # 113708-1 -- Platform integration for Openview, NetView, and Solstice Domain Manager is not implemented with this version of the OIT package. (c) 1998-2000 Nortel Networks Incorporated. All rights reserved. ===========================================================================